acai berry diet juice

Acai berry somethimes referred as Acai Palm has been hitting the airwaves and television stations being marketed as the next revolutionary diet program. The berries play in an important part in the diet of local amazonian tribes in the region. The juice and pulp are made into juices, smoothies, sodas and a variety of beverages. The juice is also widely used to flavor liquor. However, mainstream consumers have taken interest in the fruit particular used as a dietary supplement.

Companies have begun selling the supplement in a variety of forms. The most common being tablest, juices, smoothies, powder drinks aswell as providing the fruit whole.

Marketers are touting the miracle fruit. Claiming increased energy, improved sexual performance, improved digestion, detoxification among others. Acai berry extracts contain high levels of antioxidants and can help skin issues aswell as improve heart and sleep improvement. More common myths associated with fruit will have marketers calling the acai berry extract a great way to cure male impotency, diabetes, chronic illness etc. These claims are highly suspicious and consumers should be warned. Acai berry products are not evaluated by the fda.