Pay your bills or Invest in yourself?

Pay your bills or invest in yourself?

Most of us will be receiving a nice stimulus check/I.R.S refund Check (ie. Free money or money you've earned) in the coming weeks and for the majority of us the bulk of that money will be used to pay down debts. However, before you go and dump money that you won't see again for another year why not stop and invest that money in yourself?

Think about it. You only receive One I.R.S refund check from the government per year and the other 364 days your dead broke. Instead of taking that check and sending it off to debtors and feeling poor the second you do, why not start a business? If your successful you'll pat yourself in the back for taking a courageous leap of faith. If you fail miserably you can at least say that you've tried.

Remember, your not the only one who owes debtors.

For instance, I know of a nice couple who live down the street from me. I was chatting with them a couple of weeks ago and mentioned they were dying to get their irs refund to pay their past due mortgage. Turns out they were behind 3 months and were in default for a total of $2,400.00 and some change. They were set to receive an irs refund for $3,500 meaning they would still have $1,100 or so left. They were so happy they were going to have money to pay what they owed an still be set for another $800.00 dollar mortgage payment in the next month and would have $300.00 left to save up for the month after that.

I cringed at the taught at what would happen when they ran out of money. They'll be here in this same situation again in a very short period of time, I taught to myself.

The next time hoping for a different life vest to drop from the sky.

Please, If I reach anybody out there in cyber space. Don't be stupid do something useful with whatever money comes your way.

Start betting on the horse that should be winning, YOU!

By having a little vision , investing money that you've earned on yourself. You can at least take a chance and try to end the proverbial rat race.

I've include a link on the entrepreneur website for ideas on low cost business startups.

PDF Document Creator Printer

I've recently came across a neat application that is easy to install and acts as a virtual printer. When used you can print directly from any application and output a pdf document, making it easy to share with friends and colleagues.

I also needed an alternative to adobe acrobat reader, since acrobat takes ages and is shit slow on my computer. So i've added these 2 links in the hopes someone finds them as useful as I have. Coupons and Savings

Recently I had to renew a couple of domains that were set to expire thru godaddy. Using the following codes, I was able to save some money on the total cost of the renewal. Here are the coupon codes and hope someone finds them useful.

Godaddy Promo Code ZINE1:
10% off any order

Godaddy Promo Code ZINE2:
$5 Off any $30 Purchase

Godaddy Promo Code ZINE3:
$6.95 .COM Registration or Renewals

Let's Make Some Elotes - Cash For You and Me

I've been on the internet for quite a while now, so long that to even think about it brings a tear to my eye. And though, I've made some money here and there the bulk of my money has been made offline. I can still remember the first time I was introduced to the internet. I was in eight grade ( old by some standards) and I came upon this girl who was in the library. After chatting her up for a couple of minutes I asked what she was doing. She said she was building a webpage.

From then on I was hooked. Very soon I was making my own little websites. Though sadly I never got any visitors it was an extremely rewarding time for me. I first began to learn HTML and FROM there I learned about PHP pages and then I got into database driven website powered by mysql etc..

However, Now that I really think about it. It was all for fun, I didn't really make a whole lot of money. In fact the bulk of the time I spent making those little geocities pages was for fun rather than for money.

Now all you hear on the internet is how to make money blogging about this shit and that shit, how you can be an adsense millionaire. How you can quit your day job investing stocks, real-estate gurus on t.v saying you can make millions investing in foreclosures. Late night infomercials with Dave Espino, telling you how to get rich being an eBay selling your worthless shit.

It's all fucking mind bogging...

So for a change I've listed a couple of ways you can actually make money offline with little to no effort.

They are as follows. I guarantee you it will be a hell of allot easier than the proverbial 10Cents per click Google Pays Out. Enjoy Bitch ;)

$Sell 'Elotes' for Fun and Profit$

You've seen them enjoyed by many at the fair. Now you can also sell them. At a $1.50 a pop you only have to sell 50 to make $75.00. It'll warm your heart, when you've seen your patrons enjoying your Elotes. So much so, they will all but forget the majo on their cheeks and the chunks of corn hitting the soles of your shoes.

Plus, Imagine all the chicas you'll get to hit on while riding your 3 wheeled bicicleta.

Just don't let the police raid your stash!

Fuck them! Take your shit when they ain't looking.

Why am I such a Lazy Rat Bastard?

Procrastination from the latin meaning "Procrastinita" or having your thumb up your ass all day syndrome.

Well, according to wikipedia it means this.

"Procrastination is a type of behavior which is characterized by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite procrastination as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision."

I've recently only begun to admit that I might very well be a procrastinator. For instance, I hate setting deadlines for myself, goals or whatever you want to call them. In fact, I only write in this blog because half the time I ain't got shit to do.

I prefer to just let the chips fall where they may and am of the mindset of "It'll get done when it gets done Bitch!. Now get me another beer and take that damn smirk of you face or so help me."

Can this type of behavior even be changed? Maybe not if you'd done it for so long perhaps you don't have any chance to change.

Perhaps might help.

Perhaps Not

It seems someone (obviously not procrastinating) hacked the shit out of it. Kudos - Hell Hacker.

Note: Don't ever fucking use Frontpage.

If you build it they might come!!!

I build websites as my full time job. In fact you might be able to see some of my work shamelessly featured on this very blog. The one thing however, that always get my nuts in vice is the clients I work for.

They want overnight success!! Hundreds of thousands of visitors, products being purchased, linked to hundred's of other websites. First on google search results etc...and quite frankly a website with 5 pages (Home | About | Services | Contact | Some other Page) isn't sufficient.

Instant Gratification isn't Manifested Overnight!

I've always told them and lost a shit load of work in the process.

You have to earn the traffic! and to do that you have to

1. Add Quality Content to your website.

2. Establish a loyal fan base. Meaning, visitors who will come back to your site on a daily basis.

3. Communities Rule the Internet - Remember that and you will succeed!!

Once you have a decent site with a couple of hundred articles, Visitors in the Thousands etc. You have to setup up a way for your website's visitors to generate content for you. ie. Bulletin Boards, Blogs, Gallery Uploads, Rating Scripts etc.. etc..

4. Don't limit your websites marketing solely online. Meaning, slap a sticker on the back of your moms head with your website url. You'd be surprise at the number of loyal visitors you'd build if you advertise off line. Why? Because when the person see your stickers or banner or whatever it sparks his/her curiosity. The person will be dying to get home and log onto your website. Now on the other hand, if he/she is already online and Is just surfing, they might come across your site take one look at it and never come back.

5. Only then and only then can you expect to be ranked high on google search results.

In fact don't even bother with google rankings. If you have a decent site, that attracts just even one loyal visitors you have done your job. They in turn will let others know.


free credit repot

free credit repot

I've recently had to pull my credit report and noticed that there is an immense amount of websites claiming to do it for free. However, I soon found out that either I had to register for other products or services they offered in order to get my report. I wanted to get my report from the 3 largest credit bureau's TransUnion, Equifax and Experian. Now I've seen the commercials from but was not happy when I visited the site. I did however find a great source,

Within a matter of minutes I had all three credit reports in hand. I've already highly recommended them to friends and family. The draw back however is that you only get one credit report check per year.

For me though that was quite enough.