Beginners myspace marketing

"Beginners myspace marketing" -

Recently a couple of my friends where over for a party my wife was trowing when a good friend of mine Chris began chatting casually about having 2,232+ friends on myspace and how his business will grow exponentially because of this. So being a good friend, I began grinding him about his newly discovered myspace marketing venture.

Myspace as you would know by now is a social networking website that facilitates the communication between friends, relatives, co-workers etc. Just a refresher for those new in the room.

Well onto my friend Chris.

"So Chris all your 2,232+ friends live in Phoenix or what?"

"Well no most of them are from other states"

Turns out all he could conjure up was just that. Now I know myspace advertising can be a tremendous opportunity for those savvy enough to tap this resource. My friend Chris was just begging for a crash course on myspace marketing so I whipped one up for him.

"You see Chris" - And everyone out there in cyberspace.

Myspace marketing isn't about how many friends you have or even about where they are located. If they are located in another state doesn't even matter. For all I know they might have a relative that lives in phoenix and could use my friend Chri's services. What does matter is your ability to communicate effectively with this new potential customer base. And the only way of doing that is to interface with them directly.

One on One... Like they do in the movies.

Chris - "Well wouldn't that take and extreme amount of time."

It would take a large amount of time if I had 2,232 friends. See what Chris and many other internet marketers fail to realize is this. It's not the quantity of leads you accumulate but the number of quality relationships you can build.

You could be the loneliest myspace user in the world with just "Tom" as your friend. However, If you get to know Tom, inform him about your products and services on a personal level. Then chances are you would have earned an excellent human resource that will spread your marketing message for you.

Of course this doesn't mean that you should endlessly talk about politics, weather, sports with your new online buddy. A couple of messages back in forth should suffice. Once your contact asks you what type of work you do, fire up your sales pitch. Be advised, Don't come off to strong or they will notice all you want from them is to make a quick buck.

"Bottom line, learn to treat your online contacts as true friends and you will be rewarded generously by their word of mouth advertising. "

marketing myspace, myspace advertising, social media, social media advertising, network marketing consultants

Updated Dec. 20th 2008