Let's Make Some Elotes - Cash For You and Me

I've been on the internet for quite a while now, so long that to even think about it brings a tear to my eye. And though, I've made some money here and there the bulk of my money has been made offline. I can still remember the first time I was introduced to the internet. I was in eight grade ( old by some standards) and I came upon this girl who was in the library. After chatting her up for a couple of minutes I asked what she was doing. She said she was building a webpage.

From then on I was hooked. Very soon I was making my own little websites. Though sadly I never got any visitors it was an extremely rewarding time for me. I first began to learn HTML and FROM there I learned about PHP pages and then I got into database driven website powered by mysql etc..

However, Now that I really think about it. It was all for fun, I didn't really make a whole lot of money. In fact the bulk of the time I spent making those little geocities pages was for fun rather than for money.

Now all you hear on the internet is how to make money blogging about this shit and that shit, how you can be an adsense millionaire. How you can quit your day job investing stocks, real-estate gurus on t.v saying you can make millions investing in foreclosures. Late night infomercials with Dave Espino, telling you how to get rich being an eBay selling your worthless shit.

It's all fucking mind bogging...

So for a change I've listed a couple of ways you can actually make money offline with little to no effort.

They are as follows. I guarantee you it will be a hell of allot easier than the proverbial 10Cents per click Google Pays Out. Enjoy Bitch ;)

$Sell 'Elotes' for Fun and Profit$

You've seen them enjoyed by many at the fair. Now you can also sell them. At a $1.50 a pop you only have to sell 50 to make $75.00. It'll warm your heart, when you've seen your patrons enjoying your Elotes. So much so, they will all but forget the majo on their cheeks and the chunks of corn hitting the soles of your shoes.

Plus, Imagine all the chicas you'll get to hit on while riding your 3 wheeled bicicleta.

Just don't let the police raid your stash!

Fuck them! Take your shit when they ain't looking.