They want overnight success!! Hundreds of thousands of visitors, products being purchased, linked to hundred's of other websites. First on google search results etc...and quite frankly a website with 5 pages (Home | About | Services | Contact | Some other Page) isn't sufficient.
Instant Gratification isn't Manifested Overnight!
I've always told them and lost a shit load of work in the process.
You have to earn the traffic! and to do that you have to
1. Add Quality Content to your website.
2. Establish a loyal fan base. Meaning, visitors who will come back to your site on a daily basis.
3. Communities Rule the Internet - Remember that and you will succeed!!
Once you have a decent site with a couple of hundred articles, Visitors in the Thousands etc. You have to setup up a way for your website's visitors to generate content for you. ie. Bulletin Boards, Blogs, Gallery Uploads, Rating Scripts etc.. etc..
4. Don't limit your websites marketing solely online. Meaning, slap a sticker on the back of your moms head with your website url. You'd be surprise at the number of loyal visitors you'd build if you advertise off line. Why? Because when the person see your stickers or banner or whatever it sparks his/her curiosity. The person will be dying to get home and log onto your website. Now on the other hand, if he/she is already online and Is just surfing, they might come across your site take one look at it and never come back.
5. Only then and only then can you expect to be ranked high on google search results.
In fact don't even bother with google rankings. If you have a decent site, that attracts just even one loyal visitors you have done your job. They in turn will let others know.