Most of us will be receiving a nice stimulus check/I.R.S refund Check (ie. Free money or money you've earned) in the coming weeks and for the majority of us the bulk of that money will be used to pay down debts. However, before you go and dump money that you won't see again for another year why not stop and invest that money in yourself?
Think about it. You only receive One I.R.S refund check from the government per year and the other 364 days your dead broke. Instead of taking that check and sending it off to debtors and feeling poor the second you do, why not start a business? If your successful you'll pat yourself in the back for taking a courageous leap of faith. If you fail miserably you can at least say that you've tried.
Remember, your not the only one who owes debtors.
For instance, I know of a nice couple who live down the street from me. I was chatting with them a couple of weeks ago and mentioned they were dying to get their irs refund to pay their past due mortgage. Turns out they were behind 3 months and were in default for a total of $2,400.00 and some change. They were set to receive an irs refund for $3,500 meaning they would still have $1,100 or so left. They were so happy they were going to have money to pay what they owed an still be set for another $800.00 dollar mortgage payment in the next month and would have $300.00 left to save up for the month after that.
I cringed at the taught at what would happen when they ran out of money. They'll be here in this same situation again in a very short period of time, I taught to myself.
The next time hoping for a different life vest to drop from the sky.
Please, If I reach anybody out there in cyber space. Don't be stupid do something useful with whatever money comes your way.
Start betting on the horse that should be winning, YOU!
By having a little vision , investing money that you've earned on yourself. You can at least take a chance and try to end the proverbial rat race.
I've include a link on the entrepreneur website for ideas on low cost business startups.