adsense niche sites
Adsense niche sites are websites created for the sole purpose of attracting targeted traffic and profiting from strategically placed ads served by google's adsense program. Publishers get awarded a certain percentage of commission dollars from clicks generated thru their website. Google does openly advertise what commision payout it shares with it's network of publishers. Publishers can expect to earn from few cents to a few dollars for each click originating from their site.Niche sites cater to a particular audience or topic and more importantly have little to no competition from competing websites.
Take for instance the keyword "Insurance" as of july 26, 2008 this keyword when typed into googles search will return a little over 487,000,000 Million page results.
A niche site publisher creating a niche that relates to the 'insurance' keyword will see this as an overly saturated piece of property and not worth pursuing. So most likely the niche site creator will create a website that caters to a more specialized topic but still relates to the more broad topic.
Insurance may be broken into more specialized areas as 'Home owners Insurance', 'Automobile Insurance', 'Health Insurance', 'Term Life Insurance'. These can be broken down even further. Health insurance can be more keyword specific as:
'health insurance self employed', - 363,000 Search Results
'health insurance government workers' - 358,000 Search Results
The ultimate goal for the niche publisher is to arrive at a keyword or 'niche' that has very little to no competition in terms of search results, is generating a steady stream of traffic and their is a healthy competition from advertisers willing to a pay a premium from the more broad keyword.
Relevant Resources -
Google Adsense Program
Google AdWords Program
Google AdWords Keyword Suggestion Tool