SEO Search Engine Optimization Techniques Tips and Tricks

SEO Search Engine Optimization Techniques Tips and Tricks.

There isn't a holy grail of seo optimization where by you will achieve a high ranking google search engine position. There is however certain things you can do to improve your chances of ranking high in search engines and tip the scales in you favor.

1. Always title your documents - Never, ever leave a page 'Untitled'. Include keywords in the title of your page. The keywords should be a combination's of words. For instance if you are selling cheap rabbit food, don't title your page 'rabbit'. Give it a more meaningful name like 'Discount Rabbit Food', 'Cheap Rabbit Food' etc. Just naming your pages with one keyword is vague and will severely affect your position in a search engines search results.

2. When beginning to write your document or product sales pitch. Include your seo keywords in an h1 tags at the beginning of your page. Preferably just below the body tag. You can use css to make the keywords less noticeable. But don't over do it. You can easily go overboard with this. Limit your seo keywords to 3-5 per page. Use css to re-size the font so it doesn't look out of place.

3. When creating pages or html documents it helps to name them in this convention.

Instead of:


Most search engines treat the "-" as a space character and skip it when indexing your pages. They have a harder time reading long lines like 'searchengine'.

4. When placing images in your website use the 'alt' and 'title' tags. Using the 'alt' tag is considered good etiquette, since it is used by the visually impaired.

5. When creating documents or html keep your documents organized into folders. Again using your keywords in the folders name and the file name. Try to use a more broad keyword for the folder name and a more specific or group of keywords for the file name. Again using the "-" in between your seo keywords.

For instance:
If you were preparing a tutorial on seo optimization like i'm doing here. It would be wize to place the file in "/seo/" <<--- search-engine-optimization-tutorial.html

6. When linking between pages use your keywords in the anchor text of a link.

7. Make your seo changes to your website prior to having it indexed by google. It's a pain having to wait for google crawl your site again when you've made important changes. If your site hasn't been indexed by google you'll want to get a link to your website on a high ranking site and one that is crawled by google on a daily basis.

If you have a website that offers products or services, place and ad on a high traffic website like craigslist. Use your keywords heavily on the first paragraph of your advertisement. However don't rely on craigslist for all your traffic. You'll soon notice that once you've optimized your advertisement with some of the search optimization tricks found here, the ad will slowly start to decline in position on google's search engine results. So only depend on this technique when you want to get your site indexed initially.

8. Republish your sites navigation at the end of your pages. Not only is this a good for navigation but you'll also be able to squeeze and extra seo keyword.

9. Always include Meta tags in your html documents. Include your search engine optimized keywords in your description.

10. Don't ever stop trying new things. Search Engine Optimization (seo) is an ever changing mix of techniques. What works today might not always work tomorrow.

Recommended resources --- | Meta Tools Generator

Copyright 2008 Miguel Ramirez
License: You are free to use this article on any page you'd like, as long as it is copied in full, all copyrights and license information remain in tact.

Document Keywords: (Notes: The keywords used to describe the contents of this page")
seo,search engine optimization, tips and trips, google ranking, top search engine results, ranking high in search engines, seo tutorial.

Adsense - The Powerful Passive Income Generator!

Adsense - The Powerful Passive Income Generator!

By: Matt Bacak

Webmasters have a revolutionary new method of collecting income from their websites.

Whereas in the past advertising revenue was reserved for those sites with large a coming and going of visitors, now even teenagers are making a quick buck with their online hobby blogs. People place adsense on their online family photo albums, their blogs and their business sites. The minimum you would get, even with a small amount of traffic, is for adsense to pay for your hosting costs.

Adsense revolutionized the world of paid advertising; banner advertising is based on the number of visitors you attract to your site, so the number of "banner impressions" dictate the revenue you receive. Google Adsense is quite different; it is the number of visitors that actually click on the advertising that determine how much you earn.

There is also a great disparity between payouts; because advertisers bid up the price for certain keywords, some ads pay more than others. As such, a site with few visitors but expensive keywords in their google ads can potentially still pull in a hefty payout.

Google really has taken the web by storm; attracted to passive income, more and more people are seriously capitalizing on their Google adsense advertising. Some of the highest earners manage to attract enough visitors to make a four figure monthly income, just from using adsense alone! This is not one of those get-rich-quick schemes and Google's adsense success is largely thanks to the fact that Google already enjoyed a fantastic reputation before introducing the program. They are a publicly traded company with physical headquarters. This, and the fact that anyone can apply to use adsense for free, has caused millions of people to sign up. For google it was a smart move, because now they extend their presence to countless websites and generate millions of dollars in advertising revenue. People were never reluctant to sign up, because the program is free. Google benefits by more people using adsense, so offering it for free was the best thing they could do.

One of the driving forced behind the program are its relevance to each and every page on a website; the program picks up keywords appearing in the website copy and automatically displays relevant ads. This increases the chances of people clicking through, and the webmaster collecting more revenue.

People are leveraging their income by operating several websites and attempting to attract as many targeted visitors as possible; in many instances we can observe that people work hard at a site, then once it is established they can largely leave it alone, yet still collect significant checks.

A major concern for entrepreneurs was the danger of a competitors ads showing up on their site; thanks to the adsense feature where it only displays relevant advertising. However this problem was solved by offering webmasters the option of filtering out unwanted ads. They can submit the URL of the competing site in their account, and any ads from the website will be blocked.

Google recently came out with a new feature: small targeted keywords based on the site's content are displayed; then as people click on those, a page opens showing a variety of pay-per-click ads based on that keyword. This gives webmasters the chance of displaying more advertising in less space.

Adsense also adds creditability to your website; the more focused the content, the better the ads will be and this encourages people to built high quality websites. These make the net a better place and generally provide a free service; site owners can afford to share their expertise or passions because they can receive indirect revenue's. The visitor does not pay for the information; instead the advertisers do, making the website's existence possible in the first place.

It is no surprise Google adsense is the most widely used form of advertising; they have created a program that is beneficial to both advertisers and users with their "no click no pay" mechanism, or more popularly called "pay-per-click". Advertisers do not pay for ads that are not drawing visitors, and website owners are paid more for each click than they would if the system were based on the number of people viewing the ads, instead of clicking on them.

All in all Google adsense has developed itself into a powerful tool, used by large corporations and the kid next door. They have truly revolutionized how the web thinks about advertising and made the process more profitable for site owners, while less costly for advertisers.

Author Bio
Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine's e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at or

adsense niche sites

adsense niche sites

Adsense niche sites are websites created for the sole purpose of attracting targeted traffic and profiting from strategically placed ads served by google's adsense program. Publishers get awarded a certain percentage of commission dollars from clicks generated thru their website. Google does openly advertise what commision payout it shares with it's network of publishers. Publishers can expect to earn from few cents to a few dollars for each click originating from their site.

Niche sites cater to a particular audience or topic and more importantly have little to no competition from competing websites.

Take for instance the keyword "Insurance" as of july 26, 2008 this keyword when typed into googles search will return a little over 487,000,000 Million page results.

A niche site publisher creating a niche that relates to the 'insurance' keyword will see this as an overly saturated piece of property and not worth pursuing. So most likely the niche site creator will create a website that caters to a more specialized topic but still relates to the more broad topic.

Insurance may be broken into more specialized areas as 'Home owners Insurance', 'Automobile Insurance', 'Health Insurance', 'Term Life Insurance'. These can be broken down even further. Health insurance can be more keyword specific as:

'health insurance self employed', - 363,000 Search Results
'health insurance government workers' - 358,000 Search Results

The ultimate goal for the niche publisher is to arrive at a keyword or 'niche' that has very little to no competition in terms of search results, is generating a steady stream of traffic and their is a healthy competition from advertisers willing to a pay a premium from the more broad keyword.

Relevant Resources -
Google Adsense Program
Google AdWords Program
Google AdWords Keyword Suggestion Tool

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