craigslist php code login script.

Login to craigslist using your supplied credentials (email, password) and see your active listings. Script is written in php (curl) and is available for $USD 29.99 payable via paypal

Script is very easy to use. Just upload it to your webserver and enter your email and password and instantly view your active listings.

NOTE: This script will only log you in and display your active listings nothing more. I have searched the internet and have not found a single piece of code that works and that will allow you to even login. Though, you can only login at this point it's a greater starter if you want to build your own craigslist application.

craigslist curl login script.

Login to craigslist using your supplied credentials (email, password) and see your active listings. Script is written in php (curl) and is available for $USD 29.99 payable via paypal

Script is very easy to use. Just upload it to your webserver and enter your email and password and instantly view your active listings.

NOTE: This script will only log you in and display your active listings nothing more. I have searched the internet and have not found a single piece of code that works and that will allow you to even login. Though, you can only login at this point it's a greater starter if you want to build your own craigslist application.